Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Taking Action

I've began taking time to brush up on my Japanese and started doing a workout routine(let's hope it stays a routine). I've been practicing my Hiragana lately, and from what I've read I'm really trying to get away from reading romaji. Romaji basically shows the English pronunciation of Japanese characters - which is basically been how I've been learning.

I'd say I'm progressing fairly well, I bought a small dry erase board to help me actually write the Hiragana over and over again. I found a few nice Web sites too, that way I can listen to the pronunciations and how to write the characters. If anyone is interested in where I went: - I used this for pronunciation - it also shows you how to write the characters. - This site gives some more insight into Hiragana and Katakana. It shows how to write characters as well. (Wish I could go there and study) - This site is almost like flash cards, a nice way to brush up on what I've been studying. You can even select what cards to put in. That way you aren't being asked stuff you haven't studied.

Let me know if any of you have any advice on learning a language. Tomorrow I will try and post what I've been doing as far as a workout. I'd love some feedback on anything you would add to the routine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should start posting again :-)

I should take my own advice