Monday, June 23, 2008

Home Life

Well we have been living with my parents and brother for a little over a week now. It has been great getting to see them daily, and to have access to more than one room (especially since one of those rooms is a kitchen). This being said it has helped me lose weight. Close to 7 pounds. Kat and I have been trying to get as much fruit as possible, pineapple (fresh), strawberries, etc. We have also been waking up earlier since we car pool to work now, and eating a nice breakfast. I actually feel more alert and awake. It helps that we have been trying to get to bed around 10 every night as well.

We are still looking for a home. We really have not been very successful yet. Nothing has really caught our eyes. We are going to take a break from looking for a week or so and see if any prices drop or new homes come onto the market.

It is fair season where I work, which means it is nuts. We provide support for every county fair in the state, so that means June, July, and the first week of August are insane. That is part of why I have not posted in a while. I will try and post some more during breaks in calls at work.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


The house hunt is taking a lot longer than I had hoped. I cannot say I am surprised but I will be very happy once we find the perfect house. On top of the house search, Kat found out she starts her new job a lot sooner than we expected. This means we will have to move out of the room her current job provides us. We have been moving things out of or room (that is all it can be called) and taking things to each of our parents homes.

We are hoping to save up some more money and stay at my parents house for a few weeks. It is kind of inconvenient for all involved, but I really do not want to rent anything at this point in time. That would just feel like a waste of money to me.

To be honest, we could live in a box for all I care. I am really ready to get out of where we are now. It has been a blessing since it was provided for us, but the air conditioner barely works(and by barely I mean it freezes up after 2 1/2 hours of use), and the room and air conditioner get our allergies and sinuses to go haywire. Needless to say, I am ready too move to a much cleaner and comfortable place, even if it is in my old bedroom. Sure, moving back in with your parents as newly weds is not ideal, but it will help motivate us to find a home.

Well I would write more...but due to my allergies flaring up I took benadryl or something and it is knocking me out. I will try at least once a week to keep this blog updated, but until we get moved out in the next two weeks life is going to be pretty hectic.